Resurrection Bush
Infusions of this plant have been used to build stamina and immunity and it has been known to give a mental health boost, energising one mentally and physically. With its slight mint top note and camphor undertones, Resurrection Bush rejuvenates, like the African brush with the morning’s dew.
Blend Resurrection Bush with Rooibos, Honeybush or Lemon Bush. Great with a little honey and a slice of orange.
Traditionally Resurrection Bush has been used medicinally – leaves and twigs are boiled and drunk as a cold remedy, also for influenza, mastitis, backache, kidney disorders, haemorrhoids, abdominal pain and to lower blood pressure. The smoke is inhaled for chest complaints and asthma, or is used to treat urinary tract infections. A salve can be used on burns and wounds; and mastication of leaves for scurvy, halitosis and gingivitis.
Resurrection Bush (Myrothamnus flabellifolia) can be found growing on rocky outcrops across South Africa, Zimbabwe and all the way up to Kenya although it’s unlikely you will notice it as for most of the year, it can easily be overlooked as just a bunch of dry, dead twigs. During the harsh, dry months, the bush goes into hibernation, drawing in its leaves and giving the appearance of being completely lifeless.
However, as soon as the rains begin, bright green leaves begin to unfurl within hours like magic – hence its name Resurrection Bush. Within a few short months, the plant grows, flowers, sets seeds before returning to its protective mode.
Because of its almost miraculous ability to ‘return from the dead’, the resurrection bush can be seen symbolically as a beacon of hope and endurance. Its ability to survive and thrive despite extremely harsh conditions has enabled it to carve an ecological niche market for itself. We have no doubt it will do the same in economic markets as well.
Difficult to cultivate, Resurrection Bush is best wild-harvested. Our organic Resurrection Bush is sustainably wild-harvested by women living in Chivi District and other remote areas of Zimbabwe, helping them to earn new incomes and support their families.
Cosmetic extracts have been developed which are used in products for protecting dehydrated and stressed skin. The dried plant is used as a flavour in gin and culinary salt/spice. Could be used in a meat smoker, or as a cold brew or iced tea ingredient.
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